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How to Help Students With Dyslexia Feel More at Ease With Exams

At Modern Tuition, we work with a number of students with dyslexia and fully understand how challenging exams can be when you struggle with reading, comprehension and written expression.

Although students can have extended time and modified testing to support them during

their exams, sitting an exam with dyslexia can still feel daunting.

Here are Modern Tuition's top tips for helping dyslexic students feel more at ease with exams:

  1. Understand their learning style: People with dyslexia often have different learning styles than others, such that some may be visual learners while others may do better with hands-on activities. By understanding personal learning styles, students with dyslexia can prepare for exams more efficiently and with greater confidence.

  2. Use assistive technology: Using text-to-speech software and spell-checkers can make revision more efficient and less intimidating. It can provide reassurance regarding the accuracy of comprehension and writing skills, leaving more room for students to focus on learning information.

  3. Create a study plan: To reduce stress and improve retention before sitting an exam, it's better for students with dyslexia to learn chunks of information over time and avoid cramming. This typically helps students consolidate information and makes remembering vast amounts of content less challenging.

  4. Active reading: Active reading involves engaging with the material by underlining, highlighting, and taking notes. Using this method, individuals with dyslexia can both read and remember information more easily, as they are able to focus more of their attention on understanding the text.

Let us know what you think of our exam tips for students with dyslexia!

Are there any others we should know?

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